When Should I Take My Pet To An Emergency Clinic?

Much like you need to call 911 when a family member is having an emergency, you may need to take your pet to an emergency clinic in special circumstances. A veterinarian emergency clinic is typically open 24/7, and you need to have a good reason. If you see any of these signs in your pet, ensure that you take your pet to the clinic to ensure that it gets the help it needs.

Bleeding and swelling are the first symptoms you should look for. Whether your pet has been hit by a car or bitten by another animal, this is a good reason to have your pet looked over. Many symptoms do not manifest physically for several hours.

If you notice that your pet has been vomiting or having diarrhea, bring your pet in. Your pet may have consumed something toxic or even a foreign object. You should also notice if your pet is carrying on with a normal diet.

Any seizure or disorientation should be reported to an emergency clinic. Your pet may also appear lethargic or show signs of heatstroke. If you notice these symptoms, call your emergency vet right away.

You should report any type of obvious pain in your pet. Click here to learn more about your veterinary options, which can save your pet’s life.

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